A Memorable Iceland Vacation

A Memorable Iceland Vacation

When planning a vacation in Iceland, it is essential to make time for relaxation and spontaneity.

Don’t let your bucket list distract you too much

We understand that it’s tempting to check off as much of your Iceland bucket list as possible. However, it is our experience that if you leave some free time to meander and explore, you will enjoy your vacation, the island, and our culture a whole lot more.

Is Iceland on your bucket list?

Try not to hurry too much

You can never see all of Iceland’s highlights during one vacation unless you stay for quite a while. The distance from one place to another can take drivers by surprise, and you will miss so many exceptional sights and experiences if you’re racing from place to place.

Get familiar with driving in Iceland

Driving in Iceland

Luckily, driving in Iceland, with its magnificent scenery, is an experience in itself. The Iceland Ring Road is mostly paved, and you can reach the majority of Iceland’s sights and attractions on these paved roads. (There are, however, some unsealed parts here and there -- meaning unpaved and gravel surface -- so it’s a good idea to become familiar with Iceland’s traffic signs, so you know what to expect.) Instead of driving below the speed limit and taking in the sights through your windows (which can be dangerous for you and other drivers), make sure to take frequent breaks to park and explore. Doing it that way is safer and better for traffic, and also way more fun.

Thank you, come again!

A memorable Iceland vacation with enough time to wander and explore will leave you feeling both relaxed and energized. You’ll get a true sense of the fire and ice in our nature and people, and you will feel inspired to come back and explore some more! This island has so much to offer; it is impossible to get to know it on only one vacation. Take your time, wander around, be spontaneous, and then come back again! You’re always welcome.








Meet amazingly energetic and excited sled dogs and have them take you for a ride. You´ll ride on wheeled sleds with real sled dogs that are very fun and friendly. You don't need snow to go for a ride, who knew!