Blue top 3 picks for fine dining restaurants in Reykjavík 2017

Icelandic cuisine isn’t all about rotten shark and roasted sheep heads. On the contrary, you´ll find plenty of excellent fine dining restaurants in Reykjavík. We even have one, Dill, that received a Michelin star recently. We’ve put together a list of what we feel are the top 3 fine dining restaurants in Reykjavík in 2017.

Nostra Restaurant

We have to put Nostra Restaurant on top of the list of fine dining restaurants in Reykjavík. Simply because it's amazing! They are a sustainable restaurant, their cocktails are to die for, the service is impeccable, the location in downtown Reykjavík is great (on some evenings you can see the northern lights through the window!). They have amazing dishes that utilize Icelandic ingredients. They have their own greenhouse and are very creative. We give them 5 stars and would give them more if we could!


Dill restaurant is on top of the list. It not only has a Michelin star but has also won numerous local and international awards. The food there is unique and builds on Icelandic tradition. The ingredients are super fresh and Icelandic. Maybe it’s a cliché, but we’re going to say it anyway: The chefs at Dill take you on a journey with their food. We don’t know what else to say, really. The interior of the restaurant is very cool, the service is excellent and we love the concept.


For something a bit more European, Apótek restaurant is a great choice. The word Apótek means “pharmacy”, and you´ll see an interesting play on that in the menu where the cocktails are categorized as painkillers, stimulants etc. In the beautiful corner house where you find Apótek, there used to be a pharmacy from 1930-1999, hence the name. Do NOT go to Apótek without having dessert. The pastry chef has been awarded by the queen of Denmark, no less. His deserts will melt in your mouth. 
If you want to eat in any of these restaurants we recommend you book well ahead of time just in case!

Top fine dining restaurants in Reykjavík 2017

Images from Iceland Monitor and 






Lava Tour Horseriding

Lava Tour Horseriding

Get up close and personal with the lovely Icelandic horse. Not far from Reykjavík our trained guides will take you on a wonderful ride on friendly horses. You´ll see the amazing Icelandic nature! The riding paths lead through stunning scenery with green hills and lava fields.